Thursday, August 27, 2015

being ordinary

This Msg made my Day!
 Do read it properly.

 1. Name the 5 Wealthiest People in the world. 2. Name the Last 5 winners of Ms. Universe. 3. Name the Last 10 People who won the Nobel prize. How Did You Do?..... . . . . . . . . The point is, None of us remembers the headlines of Yesterday,Even Though These People Must be the Best in Their Fields Applause Dies, Awards Are Tarnished and AchievementsAre Forgotten!! Here's another quiz:Let's see How This Goes: 1. Name 5 Teachers Who Added Your Journey Through School. 2. Name 5 Friends Who Helped You Thru Difficult Times. 3. Name 5 People Who Taught You Something Worthwhile. 4. Name 5 People Who Make You Feel Special. 5. Name 5 People You Enjoy Spending Time with. Easier...right? The People Who Make a Difference in ur Life Are NOT the ones with Most Awards and Loads of money. Life is Full of ordinary People Who Have Made the World a Better Place for You! Cherish them! Hold Them Tight! Perhaps Sometimes its Special to be ordinary!!

philosophy of 70 %

PHILOSOPHY OF 70%.. The day we pass away, our money will still be in the bank... When we are alive, we feel we don't have enough money to spend. When we are gone, there is still a lot of money not spent”. A Chinese tycoon passed away. He left for his widow $1.9 billion in the bank. The widow remarried her young Chauffeur. The Chauffeur said, "All the while I thought I was working for my boss. Now only I realize that my boss was all the time working for me!" The Moral? It is more important to live longer than to have more wealth. • Strive to have a strong and healthy body. • In a ‘high end’ hand phone, 70% of the functions are useless. • In an expensive car, 70% of the speed is not needed. • In a luxurious villa, 70% of the space remains un-occupied or un-utilized. • In a whole wardrobe of clothes, 70% of them are seldom worn. • Out of whole life’s earnings, 70% stays behind for other people to use. 70% of talent is not utilized So, How to make full use of our 30%.? • Go for medical checkup even when you feel fit. • Drink more water even if you’re not thirsty. • ‘Let go’ your ego, whenever you can. • ‘Give in’ even if you are ‘right’. • Be humble even if you are very powerful. • Be contented even if you are not rich. Have a very good Life !!!